Orbylux® 1K Priming Filler

Orbylux® 1K Priming Filler


Product Description:

It is used in the auto repair sector and industrial sectors where fast drying is preferred. It is a fast air-drying product containing modified alkyd and nitrocellulose resins with high filling power and sanding properties.


Product Usage:

1K Primer Filler can be thinned with Cellulosic Thinner at a ratio of 1:1 and applied in 2-3 single coats with an air suction classic spray gun (1.4 - 1.8 mm nozzle diameter) at 3-4 bar application pressure. Drying times vary depending on ambient temperature and humidity. It is ready for sanding within 20-30 minutes.


  • İstanbul Factory: Deri OSB Mah. Nubuk Cad. İst. Deri OSB Sitesi No:14 Tuzla / İSTANBUL - TÜRKİYE
  • +90 0216 591 05 55
  • +90 0216 591 04 10
  • info@orbylux.com